LaGuardia’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)
LaGuardia’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) offered through the Workforce Education Center in the Division of Adult & Continuing Education will be offering to over 4,000 young adults ages 14-24 an opportunity to participate in the program for six weeks beginning Tuesday, July 1st, 2025 through Friday, August 15th, 2025.
We need your help in providing worksites on campus for many of the SYEP participants during a six-week period. If you are the President, a Dean, Vice President, Chairperson, Director, Coordinator, Manager or interested party, please consider supporting a young person this summer by providing an opportunity for them to work with you in your office. Also, please talk to your staff members and ask if they can find a place in the department to provide a meaningful work experience for a young adult.
There is no cost to you-salaries are paid to the participant ($16.50/hr.) by the New City Department of Youth & Community Development, the funding source for SYEP. The young person just needs your support, guidance, leadership and mentoring while they are working with you. Young adults who get an opportunity to work on campus this year will range between 16 and 24 years of age. They are able to work up to twenty-five (25) hours each week for six weeks.
Younger youth (ages 14 & 15) will be involved in Project Based learning activities in a classroom setting on campus and/or in a virtual setting around topics such as Chess, Restorative Justice, Basic First Aid, STEM/STEAM, Hip-Hop Dance, Voices of Justice/Activism, Health & Wellness and Entrepreneurship and will receive a stipend of $700 for the entire six weeks.
You have been very supportive of the SYEP program in past years and for that I am very thankful! I hope that I can look forward to that same support for summer 2025.
This is the thirty-seventh (37th) year of continuous funding for the SYEP at LaGuardia, the largest summer program in Queens. I am very fortunate to have written the first grant for SYEP funding and am delighted that I can continue to successfully write grants and obtain funding to assist in enlightening and empowering young adults in New York City.
If you are interested in being a worksite at the College this year, please email me at [email protected] or call me at ext. 5236, or [email protected], ext. 5034
I look forward to working closely with you this summer!